The MMS-FIELDS team of engineers, scientists, project managers, researchers and subcontractors, brings together leaders in the areas of instrument design and operation, science data analysis and management, theory, modeling, and space weather applications.
MMS-FIELDS Team Organization Chart
PDF organizational chart for FIELDS suite management
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Partner Institutions
University of New Hampshire
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
Space Science Center
Durham, NH, USA
- Roy Torbert, Co-Investigator, FIELDS Lead, MMS Deputy PI
- John Macri, Project Manager
- Steve Myers, PM Team: Deputy Project Manager
- Christine Williams, PM Team: Import, Export and Logistics
- David Rau, Lead Systems Engineer
- Ivan Dors, Systems Engineer
- Pieter Beckman, Systems Engineering, Integration and Test Engineer (SDP)
- Steve Turco, Product Assurance Lead
- John Salwen, Product Assurance
- David Heirtzler, Software Product Assurance
- Jerry Needell, Flight Software (CEB)
- Barbara Briggs, Flight Software (EDI)
- Mark Granoff, Lead Mechanical Engineer (SDP, EDI)
- Colin Frost, Mechanical Engineer
- John Nolin, Mechanical (CEB), Thermal Engineer
- David Bodet, Electronics Engineer (CEB)
- John Gaidos, Electronics Engineer (EDI)
- Mark Widholm, Electronics Engineer (EDI)
- Brian King, Electronics Engineer, Systems Engineer and PM (SDP)
- Hans Vaith, Lead Engineer (EDI)
- Don Troop, Electronics Engineer
- Katherine Singer, Integration and Test Engineer (EDI)
- Mike Golightly, Integration and Test Engineer (EDI)
- Steve Longworth, Electronics Engineer
- Mark Chutter, Ground Support and Data Analysis Software
- Kevin Mello, Ground Support and Data Analysis Software
- Jon Googins, Electronics Assembly
- Stan Ellis, Electronics Assembly
- Todd Jones, Electronics Assembly
- John Levasseur, Machinist
- Phil Demain, Machinist
- Aaron Bolton, Machinist
University of Colorado
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Boulder, Colorado, USA
- Robert Ergun, Co-Investigator
- Jim Westfall, Project Manager
- Scott Tucker, Mechanical Engineer, Deputy Project Manager
- James Mack, Mechanical Engineer
- Bill Vermeer, Mechanical Engineer
- James Wallace, Electronics Engineer
- David Summers, Electronics Engineer
- David Malaspina, Research Scientist
- Magnus Karlsson, Electronics Engineer
- Nat Brennan, Electronics Engineer
- Jennifer Young, Thermal Engineer
- Jon Thiede, Product Assurance
- Katherine Goodrich, PhD student supporting DP analyses
- Beth McGilvary, Contracts
- Barbara DiPasquale, Accountant
- Ed Thieman, Calibration and Test Engineer
- Mark Kien, Electrical Engineer
- Mary Rider, Parts Procurement
- Cat Brant, Parts Engineer
- Kenni Yoo, Materials Engineer
- Pete Withnell, Systems Engineer
- Sam Denny, Mechanical Engineering Student
- Mike Carl, Electrical Engineering Student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Royal Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering
Stockholm, Sweden
- Per-Arne Lindqvist, Co-Investigator
- Brian King, Systems Engineer & Project Manager (SDP)
- Göran Marklund, Co-Investigator
- Lars Blomberg, Co-Investigator
- Göran Olsson, Lead Electrical Engineer
- Ola Carlström, Elec. Engineering Technician
Institutet för Rymdfysik, Uppsalaavdelningen
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Uppsala, Sweden
- Yuri Khotyaintsev, Co-Investigator
- Anders Eriksson, Co-Investigator
- Mats André, Co-Investigator
- Brian King, Systems Engineer & Project Manager (SDP)
- Lennart Åhlén, Lead Electrical Engineer
- Sven-Erik Jannson, Electrical Engineer
- Walter Puccio, Electrical Engineer
Laboratorie de Physique des Plasmas Palaiseau, France
- Alain Roux, Co-Investigator
- Oliver Le Contel, Co-Investigator
- Paul Leroy, Technical Manager
- Lionel Meslier, Product Assurance
- Laurent Mirioni, Data Analysis
- Dominique Alison, Test Engineer
- Christophe Coillot, Electronics Engineer
University of Iowa
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
- Craig Kletzing, Co-Investigator
- Scott Bounds, Project Manager
- Richard Dvorsky, Engineer
- Joe Howard, Product Assurance
University of California Los Angeles
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Los Angeles, California, USA
- Christopher Russell, Co-Investigator
- Bob Strangeway, Project Manager, Scientist
- Joe Means, Scheduler
- Don Dearborn, Electronics Engineer
- Kathryn Rowe, Test and Calibration Engineer
- Robert Kopp, Product Assurance
Institut für Weltraumforschung
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Graz, Austria
- Wolfgang Baumjohann, Co-Investigator
- Manfred Steller, Lead: EDI Gun and GDE
- Werner Magnes, DFG Lead
- Aris Valavanoglou, Electronics Engineer (DFG)
- David Fischer, Data Analysis (DFG)
- Harald Ottacher, Electronics Engineer (EDI)
- Harald Hartl, Electronics Engineer (EDI)
- Johann Hasiba, Test Engineer (EDI)
Technische Universität Braunschweig Braunschweig, Germany
- Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Co-Investigator (AFG/DFG)
- Uli Auster, Co-Investigator (AFG/DFG)
- Ingo Richter, Calibration Engineer (AFG/DFG)
University of Oulu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Oulu, Finland
- Jyri Porter, Lead Mechanical Engineer
- Brian King, Systems Engineer & Project Manager (SDP)
- Kauko Lappalainen, Senior Advisor
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Space Weather Laboratory
Greenbelt, Maryland
- Guan Le, Co-Investigator (GSFC)
- Jim Slavin, Co-Investigator (at Univ. of Michigan)
- Ken Bromund, Data Processing Software
OHB Sweden Solna, Sweden
ATK Space Goleta, California, USA
3D Plus / Technopoint Paris, France
RUAG Space Austria
Vienna, Austria